David is a keen advisor and supporter of Te Hiko. In his role as Director of Wesley Community Action, he helps maintain the strategic focus on innovation that helps grow new systems that are controlled by and accountable to the people wanting support and change.
David is a fifth generation Tangata Tiriti who has whakapapa to Scotland, Cornwell, England and Ireland.
He has worked across a range of non-profit and community-led development projects at government, international and grass-roots levels. Through this mahi he has developed skills in the areas of positive youth development, public policy process, Te Tiriti-honouring mahi, systems thinking, leadership and community-led development.
He is committed to inclusive perspectives and supporting organisations to be Te Tiriti-honouring while weaving authentic spirituality through all the work.
As well as being Director of Wesley Community Action, David is also a member of Inspiring Communities and the international Collective Change Lab network.
David’s passion: “My energy and interest is sparked by the way in which groups, can organise themselves to contribute positive change in people’s lives.”