Kena Duignan

Te Hiko Innovation Lead

As Innovation Lead Kena supports the team and initiatives, facilitates learning and reflection across the work, publishes on community-led innovation, and maintains Te Hiko relationships.

Kena has been working with Wesley on and off for more than a decade, working alongside communities who want to make change. As well as her community-led development expertise, she has skills and experience in communications and engagement, having worked both in Parliament, and for local government. She is also experienced in working in Te Tiriti partnership models. Her particular area of interest is climate change, and natural and kai systems. She has a Masters in Environmental Studies.

Kena’s passion: “My passion is being connected to te taiao, my whānau and friends. When I'm not at mahi, I love feeling grounded in my home of Pōneke. Its landscapes inspire my art practice.“


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