New Zealand P-Pull
ProjectsNZP-Pull began at Wesley Waitangirua in 2016 and has grown into:
- A network of local ‘walk-in’ meetings at 13 locations (and expanding) around the country.
- A closed Facebook page to support anyone affected by Methamphetamine – current users, ex-users and whānau affected by al oved one using – to understand addiction and provide practical support and advice to reduce the negative effects of Methamphetamine.
- A range of resources to support education and prevention awareness that draw on people’s real experience and provide inspiration, reliable information and sound advice on Methamphetamine.
- Training seminars and workshops in local communities.
NZP-Pull works in a simple and flexible way which means that local communities can pick it up and run it in a way that meets local needs. NZP-Pull aims to help communities across Aotearoa get a better understanding of the “pull” of P. This will ultimately help reduce the number of people who start using the drug.
Wesley Community Action is proud to host the backbone support for the NZP-Pull movement. This involves maintaining financial, employment and administrative functions.
The national coordinator, Rowena Wiki, is part of our Te Hiko team. You can email Rowena on or call her on 027 840 2291

The six key principles of NZP-Pull
The NZP-Pull movement is guided by the following six key principles:
- Supports anybody affected by or suffering from Methamphetamine.
- Is an independent community movement that requires no fee or referral to receive support.
- Is a non-judgemental safe group where anonymity and compassion are a priority.
- Provides support through ‘walk-in’ meetings and an interactive closed Facebook page.
- Does not condone or tolerate flippant comments regarding drug use. Our focus is to protect vulnerable members and their families who are genuinely seeking help.
- Promotes Te Whare Tapa Wha, the holistic model of wellness which includes spiritual, physical, mental and whānau wellbeing.
NZP-Pull walk-ins – a place of healing
Walk-ins provide a free, safe and welcoming place of healing where people can share their experiences and seek information and advice. Each walk-in has a trained facilitator who has lived experience of Methamphetamine, either as an ex-user or as whānau affected by a loved one using.
Each walk-in has is own unique way of running, as every community is different. We work the way that fits/suits our community, keeping the core values of our six key principles in place. This may involve becoming part of community groups associated with other whānau needs, such as grandparents raising grandchildren, community events, rangatahi groups and holiday programmes.
It also means working alongside government organisations such as Oranga Tamariki, MSD, Te Whatu Ora, or Kainga Ora to support change within the system, building healthy relationships to educate the needs of our whānau from a grassroots perspective,and making sure everything is clear and transparent.
There are currently 13 walk-ins operating in:
- Gisborne – Kaiti, Elgin, Tokomaru Bay and Ruatoria
- Waiuku
- Murupara
- Tauranga
- Palmerston North
- Wanganui, Gonville
- Porirua
- Upper Hutt
- Pomare
Closed Facebook page for support 24/7
Anyone affected by Methamphetamine can also get support and share their experiences by joining the NZ ‘P’ Pull Facebook page. This is a private page with moderated membership which allows people to be honest and open about their experiences. The page is monitored regularly by volunteer adminstrators / moderators.
The Facebook page now has almost 8500 members.
How NZP-Pull began
NZP-Pull began as following an experience at Wesley Waitangirua one Friday afternoon in June 2016. A 24-year-old mother walked into the centre. She was experiencing a meth-induced psychotic episode and needed help.
The Centre manager, Lizzie McMillan, tried all the local services – the hospital, the 0800 health line, the AOD healthline and the Porirua Meth Reduction Group – but she had no luck finding anyone who could help the young woman. Instead, she took her home and helped her detox over the weekend.
Lizzie had no more luck finding professional support for the woman the following week and she and her team were left feeling frustrated and hopeless by the challenges and barriers facing those struggling with Methamphetamine addiction.
This led her to create “walk-in Mondays” at Wesley Waitangirua. These provided an opportunity for those affected by Methamphetamine to talk to someone face-to-face and get information about managing withdrawal and detoxing at home.
The concept eventually grew, with the addition of a Facebook page and educational resources. A core group of people provided national leadership and it quickly spread to other locations, and so the NZP-Pull movement was born.
Lizzie went on to write a booklet called Methy Business which provides back-to-basics steps to support whānau who are managing loved ones wanting to get treatment to get off Methamphetamine. As we all know, rehab and detox centres across the country have a waiting list, and there are criteria to meet or a process to go through before you can get on the list. Methy Business has been distributed throughout Aotearoa with great reviews – it’s become a bible to many.
Support for NZP-Pull
New Zealand ‘P’ Pull would like to thank the following organisations for their support:
- NZ Drug Foundation
- Tuwhera
- The Ministry of Justice’s Proceeds of Crime fund
- Meth Education and Solution Services (MESS)
- Te Whatu Ora